World Kindness Day

It seems like more and more there are days for things that should be year round. Earth Day is one of them, almost every year everyone cuts down on their electric usage and how much they destroy the planet on that day. Imagine if we did that year round, maybe the planet wouldn't be dying?

Another day that should be year round is World Kindness Day. I didn't really do much for it though I suppose. I mean, I normally hold the door open for strangers, am nice to other drivers, and just usually kind to people I believe.
I doubt it counts as kindness but I set aside my massive fear of people today and wore my shirt that says in massive letters "FREE HUGS AVAILABLE HERE" and got hugged by at least 30 strangers throughout the day. Terrifying.

Don't really have any good stories of my own about kindness to share. However, you should read this post for a really good story, both today's and the previous post.

Did you do anything for World Kindness Day? I think for World Kindness Day, we should all try to be kind for an entire year. Next year, you should do the same thing.

-That One Person


  1. I didn't slap Frankenberry half as much as I normally do. XD
    And I wrote love on my arm. :]

  2. Thanks immensely for giving my blog a plug! The T-shirt message is great, as are hugs. Here's a cyber one for you! Hug!

