Leap Fish

It has finally happened, a "search" website that may very well surpass anything that has existed so far. Most search sites make you do things slowly, search for pictures, search for websites, then search for video, all on separate pages. We've had one Web 2.0 search engine arrive, Bing, and in my opinion fail horribly.

Want to search twitter? Then you go to twitter.
Want to search youtube? You go to youtube.
Want to search websites? You go to google.

Not any longer. Enter LeapFish, the next evolution of the web.

You can search for anything right up at the top, but not only can you search for it the standard old way, you can do a real-time web search. The standard search shows news results, website results, twitter search, digg search, video search, blog results, wiki how, shopping, and image results all on one nicely laid out page. You can even scroll through pictures, video and other things to see more without leaving the website.

Real-time search narrows it down to the real-time web services such as digg, twitter (and trending topics), videos and breaking news, while being just that... real-time.

Why bother searching on so many websites when you can go to just one to get everything you need?

It also makes for a powerful homepage, giving you complete control over adding and removing different widgets. My homepage now consists of everything in the web I care about all in one screen. I have a list of Hulu videos, hilarious Onion news articles, interesting news from Mashable, videos from youtube, and my entire Twitter and Facebook feeds. Plus, that is just my choices, there's many other widgets you can choose to add to your homepage.

Finally, another amazing way that the site adds integration is that you can have your own profile. From your profile you can have your twitter feed, your blog feed, flickr pictures, and updates from other websites.

It's almost hard continuing to write this post because I want to go explore it some more. It's packed full of features yet doesn't feel cluttered. It is the evolution of the web.

Check out this video to heighten your excitement before jumping over to their website for yourself.

Check it out here:

-That One Person


  1. I'm glad you're inspired to blog when I'm sleeping on the kitty couch. XD

